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Dublin Office: +353 1 460 7600
Cork Office: +353 21 233 9410
Ultra-V System Complete
UVC decontamination
- Rapid, easy to deploy, easy to contain decontamination method
- Validated, consistent efficacy with log 4 reduction of C. Diff spores and >log 5 reduction of bacteria
- Effective and efficient for high throughput areas
UV C light
- UV C light bulbs generate a broad distribution of light wavelength
- Designed to generate disproportionately more UV C (254nm)
- Is widely used in a variety of industrial applications
- Only recently been applied directly to surfaces in hospitals
Mode of action Ultra
- Penetrates the cell wall of micro organisms
- Damages the DNA to render it inviable
- Level of damage dependent on: Light Intensity (Power) x Residence Time (Exposure) = Dose ( SpectromeValue
- Risk of Nucleotide excision repair (NER) if not exposed to the lethal dose
- Risk of organism recovery and subsequent cross contamination
Rapid and versatile
- High intensity UV C action for rapid decontamination
- Decontaminate side rooms with en suite in approx. 30 mins
- Toilets approx. 8 minutes
- Sluices approx. 15 minutes
- Ability to decontaminate high throughput areas e.g. ED, HDU, ICU, Theatres
- No need to seal ventilation or fire detector heads
Consistently validated efficacy
- Spectrome ” technology to monitor UV C exposure in real time
- Ensures correct exposure of UV C, for validation of each process
- Measurable exposure to remove uncertainty around shadows and long distance exposure
- High level decontamination regardless of operator skill and room size/layout
- Audit trail track and trace process reporting Consistently validated efficacy
Easy to deploy
- Designed for use by general cleaning staff easy to follow, on screen instructions
- No need to seal ventilation or fire detector heads easy deployment in areas of high air change e.g. Theatres and ICU
- Light weight, well balanced and manoeuvrable
- Protected by ribbed cover in transportation and storage
- Remotely operated no exposure to UV C
- Easy to contain/restrict compared to vapour decontamination
- Fail safe motion sensors automatically terminates the process on detection of entry to the room
- No residual hazards immediately safe to re enter the room if process terminated
If you require a Safety Data Sheet for any products purchased from Lennox please contact us at If possible, please include the name and code of the items.