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Product Spotlight: Sterilise air and surfaces with the STERILAIR Pro and the Safety Spot
Product Spotlight: Sterilise air and surfaces with the STERILAIR Pro and the Safety Spot
As we prepare for the year ahead, workplaces need to be sure they have the right equipment in place to ensure a safe environment. This includes protecting against airborne contamination, especially in places where there is a high turnover of people such as the hospitality sector. This can also be critical for clinical or healthcare settings.
One product that can protect against airborne contaminants is the innovative STERILAIR Pro from TechnoGaz, which doesn’t just clean the air — it sterilises it.
The compact device takes in viruses, bacteria, mould, fungus and any other microorganisms in the air. These then travel through the filter of the unit, passing through UV-Rays which kills the micro-organisms. The disinfected, sterilised air is then circulated back into the room.
While it was originally developed for dentistry offices, there is no end to the potential spaces this device could protect, from hotel receptions to cleanroom environments.
Key features of the STERILAIR Pro:
- It can be fixed to the wall of any room from reception to operating theatre or placed on a stand and moved between room
- Quiet and compact with an ergonomic design, it has a simple Plug & Play installation process
- The equipment can carry out continuous disinfection of ambient air (120 m3/h), i.e. 4 times the volume of a standard surgical room
Another option for your workplace is the Safety Spot device, a unit that uses detergent and UV radiation to emit a mist that covers surfaces, fabrics etc, with impressive results in eliminating microorganisms. In testing carried out by Eurofins, one of the world’s most reputable testing laboratories, Covid-19 has been completely killed off using this equipment.
For more information on the products Lennox offer and how we can help protect your workspace, contact Cian Reynolds, Equipment Specialist at Lennox on